Dating back to 1879, St. Anne’s College at the University of Oxford is part of one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the English-speaking world. Since its inception in 1096, Oxford has educated 28 British prime ministers, 55 Nobel Prize winners, and 120 Olympic medal winners. Sixty miles from London, Oxford is very much a student city with its 30-plus colleges creating a warm and welcoming environment to call home.
University of Oxford, St. Anne's College Academic Program
프로그램 소개
Fall 2025 Academic
Fall 2025 Academic + Spring 2026 Academic
프로그램 어드바이저
한눈에 보기
유학 기간 동안 건강하고 안전하게 지내세요
Former SAF Scholar
When I became a university student, I decided to go to a university where they celebrated and encouraged studying abroad.
University of Oxford St. Anne's College SAF Alumni
대학 안내
옥스포드 대학
시대를 초월해 상징성을 가지는 옥스포드 대학은 활기찬 도시 옥스포드의 중심입니다. 런던에서 불과 60마일 떨어진 옥스포드는 30개 이상의 학생 대학이 집이라고 부르기에 따뜻하고 환영받는 환경을 조성하는 학생 도시입니다. 여러분은 두 개의 대학 중 하나에서 공부할 수 있습니다.
세인트 앤 칼리지는 1879년으로 거슬러 올라가 1952년에 옥스포드 대학의 정식 대학이 되었습니다. 원래 옥스퍼드에서 공부할 수 있는 재능과 결단력을 가진 여성들을 위한 장소로 설립된 이 대학은 현재 800명의 남녀 학생들로 구성되어 있습니다. 이곳에서 공부하거나 가르친 재능 있는 사람들은 영국 총리 28명, 노벨상 수상자 55명, 올림픽 메달 수상자 120명 등입니다.
또한 1879년에 설립된 레이디 마가렛 홀은 단 9명의 여성으로 시작했고 2016년에는 소수 대표 학생들이 창립 연도를 시작하는 것을 환영한 최초의 옥스퍼드 대학이 되었습니다. 확고한 개척자 정신으로 다른 사람들이 따르도록 이끄는 환영하고 따뜻하고 학문적으로 풍부한 공동체를 가지고 있습니다.
University of Oxford St. Anne's College's Academic Approach
A unique aspect of learning at the friendly and informal St. Anne’s College is its world-renowned tutorial system, with small class sizes ensuring you benefit from personalized support. Its down-to-earth, modern atmosphere attracts students from many different cultures and backgrounds. As a visiting student at St. Anne’s, you are fully integrated into college life.
At St. Anne’s, you experience intellectually challenging and rewarding lectures and have weekly sessions with tutors to discuss your topics of study in depth.
수강 과목
As a SAF student, you take two to three tutorials per term.
*SAF program fee tuition rate is based upon enrollment in two to three tutorials per term..
You register online during a specific timeframe. Additionally, you will meet with your Personal Tutor at the start of the term to determine the topics of your tutorials.
Course & Departmental Restrictions
St. Anne’s Visiting Student program offers tutorials in humanities, social sciences and sciences. Most students study one subject in their time at St. Anne’s. Please visit the Course Catalog for St. Anne’s Visiting Student program for more information on tutorials.
SAF 프로그램 지원 과정
학부 과정부터 비자 요구사항까지, SAF의 체계적인 가이드는 여러분의 유학 목표를 이루기 위한 대학과 프로그램을 선정하는 데 도움을 드립니다.
SAF와 함께 유학 지원 과정을 마무리하고 성공적인 유학을 준비해 보세요.
맞춤형 유학 계획 세우기
학생들마다 다 유학 목표가 다릅니다.
SAF 학생 카운슬러가 여러분의 유학 목표를 이룰 수 있는 유학 계획을 함께 세우고, 그 과정을 지원합니다.
Application Requirements
The requirements outlined in this section include the language proficiency scores you may need to demonstrate your language skills, a guide to the GPA range and other academic prerequisites required by your host university, and a list of documentation and other application materials you will need to finalize your application. You may need to supply additional information throughout the process, and you will be alerted through your emails and SAF Student Portal if this is the case for you.
Language Test Score Requirements
The following minimum language scores must be met at the time of the application if you apply for one of these four Subjects/Courses: Computer Science, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer, Mathematics and Statistics
For all other Subjects, the following minimum language scores must be met at the time of application:
프로그램 일정
When studying abroad, you will want to consider the time of year and how long you are away. Most programs follow the host university's academic calendar.
The dates shown below are general estimates, and as you get closer to the start of the term, you will get more detailed information from SAF. If you have any questions, your Student Counsellor and Program Specialist are always here to support you and point you to the correct information.
Fall 2024 Academic
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Fall 2024 Academic + Spring 2025 Academic
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Fall 2025 Academic
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fall 2025 Academic + Spring 2026 Academic
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Housing Information
University-owned flat
The SAF program fee includes an accommodation in a university owned flat.
*Housing is subject to availability. For specific questions regarding housing please contact SAF.
Advising and Support
The process of studying abroad could quickly feel overwhelming, but we have been doing this for decades and do everything we can to support you through it.
Many SAF staff are alumni and have walked this path. They have real-life experience to draw on as they advise and support you through every step of our comprehensive services. They’re in your corner, taking care of all the details and explaining what you need to do next.
Take the first step in your study abroad journey by scheduling a consultation with your closest Student Counselor. You can discuss your for-credit academic courses and language programs and explore internships, research programs, and study tours. When you know what you want to do, we guide you through the pre-program steps, help you arrange your visa and transport, and finalize your accommodation or digital experience.
자주 묻는 질문
학부 및 컨커런트 프로그램에 관해 자주 묻는 질문
Student Blogs
5 things I wish I'd known before my study abroad program
When you're planning to study abroad, take some tips from students who made the most of this incredible opportunity.
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UC 버클리의 밀플랜 옵션은 캠퍼스 내 거주자와 캠퍼스 밖 거주자 모두에게 유용합니다.
매해 버클리 주변에서 열리는 가을 이벤트
이번 가을에 버클리로 여행을 가시나요? 멋진 가을 이벤트를 확인하세요.
왜 SAF 인가?
해외 방문 학생 경험은 평생 잊을 수 없는 경험이며 여러분의 경력, 네트워크뿐 아니라 미래에까지 영향을 미칠 것입니다.
SAF의 명문 호스트 대학 어디에서나 여러분은 한 학기, 여름학기, 혹은 한 해 동안 개인 맞춤형 학점 인정 학부 프로그램을 경험할 수 있습니다.