글래스고 대학 학부 프로그램

타임즈 선정 100대 대학
Delivery Method:
여러 텀, 한 텀

프로그램 소개

Study at the historic and internationally recognized University of Glasgow and follow in the footsteps of world-renowned scholars, from Nobel laureates and writers to political heavyweights and scientists. Founded in 1451, the university remains at the heart of the city’s rich artistic and cultural heritage, committed to cultivating preeminent pioneers who tackle pressing global challenges head on while making discoveries that change the world.

Study at one of the top 100 universities in the world

Enrich your university experience by joining or forming a club or society

For music fans, food aficionados, or museum lovers, Glasgow has it all

The University of Glasgow is one of Scotland’s iconic ancient universities

Fall 2025 Academic
Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Academic
Program dates:
9월 중순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Program dates:
9월 중순 - 5월 하순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

프로그램 어드바이저

Saffy 윈터
학생 카운셀러는 유학 홍보대사이자 후원자입니다. 이들은 여러분이 유학에 관심이 있다는 것을 확인하면 지원 과정에 참여합니다. 지원 과정에서 이들은 지원의 각 단계를 안내하고, 필요한 서류를 알려주며, 입학 결과가 언제 나오는지 알려주며, 수강 신청과 도착 전 시험 준비를 비롯한 다음 단계를 안내합니다.
상담 신청

한눈에 보기

수업 언어:
언어 요구 수준:
학점 요구 사항:
Academic Level:
대학 학부 과정
Academic Strengths:
생물과학, 물리과학, 경영학, 경제학, 재정학, 공학, 보건학 및 의예과
대학 소유 아파트
Visa Required:
발급 필요
60 UK credits

Stay Healthy & Safe While You Study Abroad


Dongmin Cho

Glasgow Uni has a culture that encourages students to ask why they thought that way. It helps students have an active attitude toward learning.

University of Glasgow SAF Alumni

University of Glasgow Content 07

대학 안내

글래스고 대학

글래스고 대학에서 공부함으로써, 여러분은 과학자 Lord Kelvin부터 텔레비전의 선구자인 John Logie Baird에 이르기까지 세계적으로 유명한 학자들의 발자취를 따라가게 됩니다. 지난 5세기 동안 글래스고 대학은 7명의 노벨상 수상자, 영국 총리 그리고 스코틀랜드의 초대 제1장관을 양성했습니다. 알버트 아인슈타인 교수는 1933년 이 곳에서 현대 상대성 이론에 대해 강의했고, 스코틀랜드 최초의 여성 의학 졸업생들은 1894년 이 대학에서 학위를 마쳤습니다.

1451년에 설립된 글래스고 대학은 도시의 풍부한 예술과 문화 유산의 중심에 있습니다. 오늘날, 이 대학은 새로운 도전과 발견을 통해 세계를 변화시키는 학자들과 개척자들을 계속해서 양성하고 있습니다.

글래스고 대학에 대해 더 알아보세요. 


University of Glasgow's Academic Approach

University of Glasgow’s has an impressive range of courses and majors to choose from. As well, the university is renowned for its outstanding Arts, Business and Mathematics departments.

It welcomes over 1,500 students every year on study abroad and exchange programs, creating memorable experiences and offering learning pathways for you to gain credit to transfer to your home degree program while studying alongside degree-seeking students.

수강 과목

As a SAF Scholar, you enroll in courses online at a designated date and time provided prior to your arrival.

Some courses and departments have competitive and limited access, so you cannot enroll in the following courses until you arrive:

  • 5000+ level courses
  • Courses in medicine, vet medicine, education, architecture,
  • Engineering
  • Level 1 and 2 are not available to visiting students
  • Some engineering degree programs only offer 40/50 credits in one semester, unfortunately you cannot choose from another discipline and will need to take credits in another school
  • As a visiting student, you should follow the School of Engineering course selection guide and only take courses associated with one single engineering degree, and all at the same level (i.e. all ENG3xxx or ENG4xxx from one program such as civil engineering). Please ensure you carefully select your discipline and level at point of application – changes of discipline after arrival are not possible
  • You may request a mix of ENG4xxx and ENG5xxx courses in a single discipline although there may be timetabling difficulties (this is an exception to the standard rule that level 5 classes are not available)
  • STEM – math, statistics, and computer science are only for full year students
  • Business – generally no restrictions. Management courses are very popular and often oversubscribed. Do try to avoid mixing levels in business school courses. If you do not request business school courses on your original application, you would be added to a waiting list when in Glasgow and would not be guaranteed a place on a business school course
  • Economics does have some specific academic requirements: Entry requirements for Honors courses (level 4): You must have previously completed courses in introductory and intermediate micro and macro economics plus some maths/stats. You cannot mix levels in this subject, so only select classes from one level

Course & Departmental Restrictions

  • If you’re a semester 1 only student, you are not permitted to take level 3 and 4 computing science, maths or statistics courses due to course structure
  • English literature is only available to English majors


Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Application Requirements

When applying to study abroad, you must meet the entry requirements set by the host university—and SAF is here to set you up for success.

The requirements outlined in this section include the language proficiency scores you may need to demonstrate your language skills, a guide to the GPA range and other academic prerequisites required by your host university, and a list of documentation and other application materials you will need to finalize your application. You may need to supply additional information throughout the process, and you will be alerted through your emails and SAF Student Portal if this is the case for you.
  • Language Proficiency
  • Academics & GPA
  • Application Documents & Materials

Language Test Score Requirements

To prove your language proficiency, you can use any of the following:

  • IELTS: 6.0 *Minimum sub-score 5.5. *The university reviews IELTS Indicator Test scores
  • PTE: 46 *Minimum sub-score 36
  • TOEFL iBT: 80 (20 in speaking, 18 in reading, and 17 in listening and speaking) *Home Edition and MyBest scores accepted *Duolingo not accepted 

Learn More About Language Requirements

프로그램 일정

When studying abroad, you will want to consider the time of year and how long you are away. Most programs follow the host university's academic calendar.

The dates shown below are general estimates, and as you get closer to the start of the term, you will get more detailed information from SAF. If you have any questions, your Student Counsellor and Program Specialist are always here to support you and point you to the correct information.

Spring 2025 Academic

Program dates:
1월 중순 - 5월 하순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

Fall 2025 Academic

Program dates:
9월 중순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Academic

Program dates:
9월 중순 - 5월 하순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

숙소 정보

Off-campus apartment

The SAF student program fee covers a modern single room with a shared bathroom and kitchen. Some apartments may include a shared study space and lounge.

*Housing is subject to availability. For specific questions regarding housing please contact SAF.


On Arrival

Your SAF pre-departure process will arm you with all the information you need for a smooth arrival to your new campus, city, and country.

To Housing

Your SAF program will include a safe transfer from your arrival airport to your new study abroad housing. We'll even provide you with top tips to make the most of your new city!

Home Sweet Home

Your SAF Program Specialist will coordinate with you to ensure you have arrived safely and settled into your new secure housing.

Keeping You Safe

As you settle in, you will learn about the SAF emergency alert system, our 24/7 phone support, and any safety concerns relevant to you.

Get Social

Your new university and SAF will arrange social and cultural events so that you can meet other study abroad and local students. Make the most of your adventure!

Advising and Support

The process of studying abroad could quickly feel overwhelming, but we have been doing this for decades and do everything we can to support you through it. 

Many SAF staff are alumni and have walked this path. They have real-life experience to draw on as they advise and support you through every step of our comprehensive services. They’re in your corner, taking care of all the details and explaining what you need to do next.

Take the first step in your study abroad journey by scheduling a consultation with your closest Student Counselor. You can discuss your for-credit academic courses and language programs and explore internships, research programs, and study tours. When you know what you want to do, we guide you through the pre-program steps, help you arrange your visa and transport, and finalize your accommodation or digital experience.

Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Commonly Asked Questions About Studying Abroad

Commonly Asked Questions About Academic & Concurrent Programs

Student Blogs

UAL Treasure Hunt on London Bridge

유학에 관한 25가지 사실

지금 소개해 드릴 유학에 관한 25가지 사실은 여러분에게 유학생으로서의 삶에 도전하고자 하는 의욕을 불러일으킬 것입니다!

정보성 출발 전

추후 행사 일정

Why Travel With SAF?

Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, one that stays with you in your career, your contacts, your future. It can define you. At any of our prestigious university partners, you can build personalized for-credit programs that can last up to a whole year.

Girl Standing in Arch