UC 데이비스 어학 단독 프로그램

어학 프로그램
타임즈 선정 100대 대학
Delivery Method:
여러 텀, 한 텀

프로그램 소개

Established in 1908, the University of California, Davis, started life as the university farm, rolling up its flannel shirtsleeves to provide research- and science-based instruction to the nation’s farmers. On the lush California campus just outside the state capital, Sacramento, that ethos of putting the earth first continues—health, wellbeing, and sustainability still forges the uniquely Aggie lifestyle you experience during your time here.

The Wall Street Journal: UC Davis is the 5th best US public university

Davis has 60 miles of greenbelt bike trails through shaded parks

800+ student clubs at UC Davis—something for everyone

San Francisco Bay, Lake Tahoe, and Napa Valley are a two-hour drive away

프로그램 어드바이저

Saffy 윈터
학생 카운셀러는 유학 홍보대사이자 후원자입니다. 이들은 여러분이 유학에 관심이 있다는 것을 확인하게 되면 그 지원 과정에 함께 참여합니다. 지원 과정에서 각 단계별 안내를 하고, 필요한 서류를 알려주며, 입학 결과가 언제 나오는지 알려주며, 수강 신청과 도착 전 시험 준비를 비롯한 다음 단계를 안내합니다.
상담 신청

한눈에 보기

Language of Instruction:
Language Prerequisite Level:
Academic Level:
대학 학부 과정
Academic Strengths:
사회학, 생물과학, 물리과학, 경영학, 경제학, 재정학, 공학, 음악, 영화, 공연예술학
Visa Required:
상황에 따라 발급 필요

Stay Healthy & Safe While You Study Abroad


Yuma Kunibe

The number of questions asked during the debate was very high, and it was impressive that the students were active in the class.

University of California, Davis SAF Alumni


대학 안내

UC 데이비스

1908년에 설립된 UC 데이비스는 플란넬 셔츠 소매를 롤업하여 미국 농부들에게 연구 및 과학 기반 교육을 제공하는 대학 농장으로 시작했습니다.

주도인 새크라멘토 바로 외곽에 있는 울창한 캘리포니아 캠퍼스에서는 지금도 지구를 지키기 위한 지속적인 노력이 계속되고 있습니다. 건강, 웰빙 그리고 지속가능성은 여전히 Aggie 라이프스타일을 형성하고 있습니다. Aggie Pack은 학생들이 운영하는 가장 큰 대학 정신 단체로 지역사회와 상호 지원에 대한 전폭적인 지원이 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기 위한 에너지에 집중할 수 있도록 합니다. 

UC 데이비스 에 대해 더 알아보기


University of California, Davis's Academic Approach


In 20 hours a week of language tuition, the UC Davis standalone language program immerses you in American English pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and academic language.

Join the Pal Program to connect with other students and practice your communication and intercultural skills. The course teachers and staff are encouraging and supportive and help you plan your time and studies effectively.

수강 과목

Registration occurs before you arrive on campus.

Classroom Hours

The SAF program fee tuition rate is based on enrollment in 20 hours of language instruction per week. 

Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Application Requirements

When applying to study abroad, you must meet the entry requirements set by the host university - and SAF is here to set you up for success.

The requirements outlined in this section include the language proficiency scores you may need to demonstrate your language skills, a guide to the GPA range and other academic prerequisites required by your host university, and a list of documentation and other application materials you will need to finalize your application. You may need to supply additional information throughout the process, and you will be alerted through your emails and SAF Student Portal if this is the case for you.
  • Language Proficiency
  • Academics & GPA
  • Application Documents & Materials

Language Test Score Requirements

There are no requirements to join this program. A language test when you arrive determines your skill level. No prior test is necessary to participate.

Learn More About Language Requirements

프로그램 일정

When studying abroad, you will want to consider the time of year and how long you are away. Most programs follow the host university's academic calendar.

The dates shown below are general estimates, and as you get closer to the start of the term, you will get more detailed information from SAF. If you have any questions, your Student Counsellor and Program Specialist are always here to support you and point you to the correct information.

Spring Quarter 2024 Language Standalone + Summer Quarter 2024 Language Standalone + Fall Quarter 2024 Language Standalone

Program dates:
3월 하순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

Fall Quarter 2024 Language Standalone

Program dates:
9월 하순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:

숙소 정보



During your time at the University of California, Davis, you become part of a firiendly, local Californian family.

*Housing is subject to availability. For specific questions regarding housing please contact SAF.


On Arrival

Your SAF pre-departure process will arm you with all the information you need for a smooth arrival to your new campus, city, and country.

To Housing

Your SAF program will include a safe transfer from your arrival airport to your new study abroad housing. We'll even provide you with top tips to make the most of your new city!

Home Sweet Home

Your SAF Program Specialist will coordinate with you to ensure you have arrived safely and settled into your new secure housing.

Keeping You Safe

As you settle in, you will learn about the SAF emergency alert system, our 24/7 phone support, and any safety concerns relevant to you.

Get Social

Your new university and SAF will arrange social and cultural events so that you can meet other study abroad and local students. Make the most of your adventure!

Advising and Support

The process of studying abroad could quickly feel overwhelming, but we have been doing this for decades and do everything we can to support you through it. 

Many SAF staff are alumni and have walked this path. They have real-life experience to draw on as they advise and support you through every step of our comprehensive services. They’re in your corner, taking care of all the details and explaining what you need to do next.

Take the first step in your study abroad journey by scheduling a consultation with your closest Student Counselor. You can discuss your for-credit academic courses and language programs and explore internships, research programs, and study tours. When you know what you want to do, we guide you through the pre-program steps, help you arrange your visa and transport, and finalize your accommodation or digital experience.

Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Commonly Asked Questions About Studying Abroad

Student Blogs

University of the Arts, London Content 12

SAF, 세계적 수준의 런던 예술대학 캠퍼스 두 곳에서 여름 프로그램 개시

SAF는 런던 예술대학(UAL)에서 진행되는 여름 예술 프로그램을 소개하게 되어 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 이 프로그램은 센트럴 세인트 마틴스와 스트랫퍼드의 새로운 런던 칼리지 오브 패션 캠퍼스 시설에서 몰입형 경험을 제공합니다. 유서 깊은 킹스 크로스 건물에 자리 잡은 센트럴...

London School of Economics Featured 01

SAF, 런던 정경대학과 파트너십 맺고 첫 여름 프로그램 제공

SAF가 선보이는 런던 정경대학(LSE)의 여름 학부 프로그램은 학생들에게 사회 과학 분야의 선도적인 유수 교육 기관에서 몰입하여 공부를 할 수 있는 특별한 기회를 선사합니다. 본 프로그램은 엄격한 학부과정과 역동적인 국제 커뮤니티를 결합했으며, 학생들에게 LSE의 대표적 기술...

펜실베니아 대학 콘텐츠 07

올 여름 SAF와 함께 펜실베이니아 대학에서 공부해보세요.

SAF는 펜실베이니아 대학(UPenn)의 IAPS 여름 어학과정 프로그램을 여러분께 소개하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다. 이 프로그램은 학생들이 명문 아이비리그 교육 기관에서 언어 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 특별한 기회입니다. 본 프로그램은 집중 프로그램으로 실질적인 언어 능력과...


추후 행사 일정

Why Travel With SAF?

Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, one that stays with you in your career, your contacts, your future. It can define you. At any of our prestigious university partners, you can build personalized for-credit programs that can last up to a whole year.

Girl Standing in Arch