California State University, Long Beach in California is a 322-acre, peach-tree-studded campus that delivers world-class teaching in state-of-the-art, park-like facilities—all blissfully near the Pacific Ocean. With a diverse population and vibrant oceanside environment, the large university, founded in 1949, seamlessly blends academic and outdoor life for a rewarding study-abroad experience.
캘리포니아 주립대 롱비치 어학 단독 프로그램
프로그램 소개
Fall 2025 Language Standalone
Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Language Standalone
프로그램 어드바이저
한눈에 보기
Stay Healthy & Safe While You Study Abroad
Former SAF Scholar
Studying at CSU, right by the beach, was an incredible experience.
California State University, Long Beach SAF Alumni
대학 안내
캘리포니아 주립대 롱비치
캘리포니아에서 다섯 번째로 큰 도시인 롱비치의 바다 근처에 있는 322에이커의 캠퍼스에 자리 잡은 캘리포니아 주립대 롱비치는 정원과 같은 환경과 미적으로 즐거운 건축물 그리고 매력적인 디자인으로 구성된 뛰어난 교육 시설을 제공합니다.
다양한 인구와 경치 좋은 해변 환경을 갖춘 이 대학은 학문적인 활동과 야외 활동을 완벽하게 결합하여 유학 경험을 제공합니다. 롱비치 지역 시민들이 기부한 3000여 그루의 복숭아나무가 캠퍼스에 줄지어 서 있는 등 살기 좋은 곳입니다.
캘리포니아 주립대 롱비치에 대해 더 알아보세요.
California State University, Long Beach's Academic Approach
Welcoming and supportive, California State University, Long Beach is a highly sought-after language-learning destination with a diverse population and near limitless opportunities to get involved.
After your 23 hours a week of interactive language instruction at a proficiency level that suits you, practice your English beyond the classroom by plunging into a sports club, special interest club, and social-action organization.
수강 과목
Classroom Hours Per Week
There are seven proficiency levels and 23 hours of language instruction per week.
*SAF program fee tuition rate is based upon enrollment in 23 hours of language instruction per week.
Get To Know Our Application Process
From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.
Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor
Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.
Application Requirements
The requirements outlined in this section include the language proficiency scores you may need to demonstrate your language skills, a guide to the GPA range and other academic prerequisites required by your host university, and a list of documentation and other application materials you will need to finalize your application. You may need to supply additional information throughout the process, and you will be alerted through your emails and SAF Student Portal if this is the case for you.
Language Test Score Requirements
There are no requirements to join this program.
프로그램 일정
When studying abroad, you will want to consider the time of year and how long you are away. Most programs follow the host university's academic calendar.
The dates shown below are general estimates, and as you get closer to the start of the term, you will get more detailed information from SAF. If you have any questions, your Student Counsellor and Program Specialist are always here to support you and point you to the correct information.
Spring 2025 + Summer 2025 Language Standalone
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Spring 2025 Language + Summer 2025 Language + Fall 2025 Language
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Fall 2025 Language Standalone
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Language Standalone
Program dates:
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
숙소 정보
The SAF program fee covers a comfortable and friendly homestay with an English-speaking American family.
*Housing is subject to availability. For specific questions regarding housing please contact SAF.
Advising and Support
The process of studying abroad could quickly feel overwhelming, but we have been doing this for decades and do everything we can to support you through it.
Many SAF staff are alumni and have walked this path. They have real-life experience to draw on as they advise and support you through every step of our comprehensive services. They’re in your corner, taking care of all the details and explaining what you need to do next.
Take the first step in your study abroad journey by scheduling a consultation with your closest Student Counselor. You can discuss your for-credit academic courses and language programs and explore internships, research programs, and study tours. When you know what you want to do, we guide you through the pre-program steps, help you arrange your visa and transport, and finalize your accommodation or digital experience.
Get To Know Our Application Process
From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.
Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor
Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.
Commonly Asked Questions About Studying Abroad
Student Blogs
UC 버클리에서 밀플랜(Meal Plans) 사용하기
UC 버클리의 밀플랜 옵션은 캠퍼스 내 거주자와 캠퍼스 밖 거주자 모두에게 유용합니다.
매해 버클리 주변에서 열리는 가을 이벤트
이번 가을에 버클리로 여행을 가시나요? 멋진 가을 이벤트를 확인하세요.
UCLA 학생과 대학 관계자의 필수 도구인 BruinCard에 대해 알아보세요.
추후 행사 일정
Why Travel With SAF?
Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, one that stays with you in your career, your contacts, your future. It can define you. At any of our prestigious university partners, you can build personalized for-credit programs that can last up to a whole year.