리머릭 대학 학부 프로그램

세계적인 명성
Delivery Method:
여러 텀, 한 텀

프로그램 소개

The University of Limerick was the first Irish university established after Ireland’s independence in 1922. Since then, it has striven to be at the forefront of knowledge, with award-winning faculty revered for contributions in their field and for innovation in teaching. On the outskirts of Ireland's third largest city, the university merges a rural lifestyle with vibrant urban adventures, setting you up for a memorable study abroad experience.

The campus has restaurants and cafés to satisfy every taste

The Glucksman Library has 350,000-plus books, journals, and newspapers

Discover why Limerick was Ireland’s first City of Culture in 2014

A state-of-the-art pool, altitude training center, and indoor sports arena

Fall 2025 Academic
Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Academic
Program dates:
8월 하순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:
Program dates:
8월 하순 - 5월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

프로그램 어드바이저

Saffy 윈터
학생 카운셀러는 유학 홍보대사이자 후원자입니다. 이들은 여러분이 유학에 관심이 있다는 것을 확인하면 지원 과정에 참여합니다. 지원 과정에서 이들은 지원의 각 단계를 안내하고, 필요한 서류를 알려주며, 입학 결과가 언제 나오는지 알려주며, 수강 신청과 도착 전 시험 준비를 비롯한 다음 단계를 안내합니다.
상담 신청

한눈에 보기

수업 언어:
언어 요구 수준:
학점 요구 사항:
Academic Level:
대학 학부 과정
Academic Strengths:
디자인 전공, 경영학, 경제학, 재정학, 교육 및 아동학과, 공학
교내 학생 아파트
Visa Required:
상황에 따라 발급 필요

Stay Healthy & Safe While You Study Abroad


Miharu Yanagishita

Limerick University has a strong business faculty, which is my specialty. Because the campus is vast and has great sports facilities, I chose this university because I thought it would be best for me as a sports enthusiast.

University of Limerick SAF Alumni


대학 안내

리머릭 대학


젊고 활기찬 학교인 리머릭 대학은 1922년 아일랜드 독립 이후 설립된 최초의 아일랜드 대학입니다.

그 이후로 해당 분야에 대하 공헌과 혁신으로 존경받으며 여러 수상 경력을 가지고 있는 교수진들과 함께 지식의 최전선에 서 있으려고 노력해왔습니다.

아일랜드에서 3번째로 큰 도시 외곽에 있는 이 대학은 전원 생활과 활기찬 도시 생활을 함께 즐길 수 있습니다. 

번화한 시내와 800년 된 킹존스성, 현대적인 건물들이 있는 리머릭은 유럽 최고 럭비팀 중 하나인 몬스터 럭비팀의 본고장입니다. 

팀의 경기장인 토몬드 파크에서는 Elton John, Bruce Springsteen 같은 주요 콘서트들도 열립니다.


리머릭 대학 에 대해서 더 알아보세요.


University of Limerick's Academic Approach

The staff at Limerick are very responsive and eager to assist, so personalized attention is more common than at many other academic programs.

With access to more than 1000 classes every semester, you can find courses to meet your educational goals. Arts, music, and the physical sciences are very popular, as UL is home to the Irish World Academy of Music & Dance and the Science Learning Centre. 

You're also encouraged to participate in the UL Buddy Program, so you connect with an Irish student even before arrival.

수강 과목

You register for your courses at the time of the university application, and will get a notification to tell you if you’re allowed to take your submitted courses or not. In some instances, you might be asked to show additional proof of prerequisites.

Course & Departmental Restrictions

You’re restricted to courses beginning with four in the course catalog.


Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Application Requirements

When applying to study abroad, you must meet the entry requirements set by the host university—and SAF is here to set you up for success.

The requirements outlined in this section include the language proficiency scores you may need to demonstrate your language skills, a guide to the GPA range and other academic prerequisites required by your host university, and a list of documentation and other application materials you will need to finalize your application. You may need to supply additional information throughout the process, and you will be alerted through your emails and SAF Student Portal if this is the case for you.
  • Language Proficiency
  • Academics & GPA
  • Application Documents & Materials

Language Test Score Requirements

To prove your language proficiency, you can use any of the following:

  • TOEFL iBT: 80
  • TOEFL PBT: 550
  • TOEFL CBT: 210
  • IELTS: 6.0
  • CEFR: B2

Learn More About Language Requirements

Language Pathway & Concurrent Programs

Interested in pursuing an Academic program but don't meet language requirements? Learn more about our Language Pathway and Concurrent programs that can assist you in meeting your academic goals. 

Six students sit and stand around classroom desks.

University of the Arts, London Content 15

talking students

프로그램 일정

When studying abroad, you will want to consider the time of year and how long you are away. Most programs follow the host university's academic calendar.

The dates shown below are general estimates, and as you get closer to the start of the term, you will get more detailed information from SAF. If you have any questions, your Student Counsellor and Program Specialist are always here to support you and point you to the correct information.

Spring 2025 Academic

Program dates:
1월 하순 - 5월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

Fall 2025 Academic

Program dates:
8월 하순 - 12월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

Fall 2025 + Spring 2026 Academic

Program dates:
8월 하순 - 5월 중순
Application Deadline:
Fees Starting From:

숙소 정보

On-campus apartment

The SAF program fee includes a shared accommodation with roommates on campus.

*Housing is subject to availability. For specific questions regarding housing please contact SAF.


On Arrival

Your SAF pre-departure process will arm you with all the information you need for a smooth arrival to your new campus, city, and country.

To Housing

Your SAF program will include a safe transfer from your arrival airport to your new study abroad housing. We'll even provide you with top tips to make the most of your new city!

Home Sweet Home

Your SAF Program Specialist will coordinate with you to ensure you have arrived safely and settled into your new secure housing.

Keeping You Safe

As you settle in, you will learn about the SAF emergency alert system, our 24/7 phone support, and any safety concerns relevant to you.

Get Social

Your new university and SAF will arrange social and cultural events so that you can meet other study abroad and local students. Make the most of your adventure!

Advising and Support

The process of studying abroad could quickly feel overwhelming, but we have been doing this for decades and do everything we can to support you through it. 

Many SAF staff are alumni and have walked this path. They have real-life experience to draw on as they advise and support you through every step of our comprehensive services. They’re in your corner, taking care of all the details and explaining what you need to do next.

Take the first step in your study abroad journey by scheduling a consultation with your closest Student Counselor. You can discuss your for-credit academic courses and language programs and explore internships, research programs, and study tours. When you know what you want to do, we guide you through the pre-program steps, help you arrange your visa and transport, and finalize your accommodation or digital experience.

Get To Know Our Application Process

From academics to visa requirements, our structured process helps you choose the right program and university for your goals. Complete a strong application, and prepare for success abroad.

Personalize Your Study Abroad Plan With Your SAF Counselor

Each student has unique academic goals for a study abroad experience. As you think about studying abroad, your SAF Counselor will help you plan for success and support you every step of the way.

Commonly Asked Questions About Studying Abroad

Commonly Asked Questions About Academic & Concurrent Programs

Student Blogs

UAL Treasure Hunt on London Bridge

유학에 관한 25가지 사실

지금 소개해 드릴 유학에 관한 25가지 사실은 여러분에게 유학생으로서의 삶에 도전하고자 하는 의욕을 불러일으킬 것입니다!

정보성 출발 전

추후 행사 일정

Why Travel With SAF?

Studying abroad is an unforgettable experience, one that stays with you in your career, your contacts, your future. It can define you. At any of our prestigious university partners, you can build personalized for-credit programs that can last up to a whole year.

Girl Standing in Arch